Wonderful sutra this morning – contentment is not about being happy, it is about being comfortable in the moment – neither looking ahead nor looking behind, but looking within and acknowledging that whatever is happening RIGHT NOW, I am peaceful and accepting of that.
A song popped into mind during meditation – “When peace like a river attends my way, or sorrow like sea billows roll. Whatever my lot, thou has taught me to say, ‘It is well with my soul.” And that is where I want to be, content knowing that no matter what happens, my soul is protected and that there is a certain amount of peace that I can always have there, deep inside me.
There were times (even recently) that discovering a truth like that would have upset me. "I’m 50 years old – shouldn’t I have figured all of this out years ago?" the arrogant part of me would have demanded. "Shouldn't I be some sort of 'life guru' by now? I mean...when do I get 'there'?" I think my problem is I've always thought deep inside there was/is a finish line, that there will be a time that I receive a ‘trophy’ for becoming a full fledged adult. But, as I've very gradually let go of the expectation of perfection in myself, I've discovered to my absolute delight the journey and process of life. Every day there is something new to learn - how wonderful, truly.
May I never stop learning and feeling this joy that in every experience, even the mundane, ordinary ones, I can discover another truth. My heart does not need to stop growing - its potential is infinite.
So now, I don't want to get 'there,' 'there' would be boring.
So now, I don't want to get 'there,' 'there' would be boring.
Thoughts to take with me today: Feel the contentment, reflect on how your heart wraps around it, let it soak into your core.
Let yesterday rest. Let tomorrow wait. Love today. Namaste.
Beautifully said. It's so hard to live in the moment and accept the day as it is.