And I gotta say a couple of times those questions included some arch tone, as if the person was somewhat surprised that I hadn't.
I also hear dire warnings about how hard it is to maintain, and of how someone's (mother, brother, best friend's cousin, some random neighbor down the road) lost 100 pounds and then regained it.
The first few times, this question rocked my world. Really - I saw myself in that scenario and I spend more time than I should have bending the ear of one or all of my closest friends exacting promises from them to keep me from gaining one pound ever and endless scenarios of "what if?what if? what if?"
There is a stat out there that says "95% of all dieters regain their weight loss." I did a little research into that study and it's unmitigated bull. Not true at all. The study was redone in 1999 under better control and the results then were much different. Actually, MOST dieters kept the weight off for 5 years or more.
Still, there is that figure of "most" which does mean many, many people worked real hard, the regained. Sure does. And I have a thought on that.
Take a little side trip for a's worth it, trust me.
Dr. Wayne Dyer has a wonderful philosophy about intentions. His view is that you when a possible outcome can go a negative way or a positive way, believe the positive. Even if the chance is 1% or 10% or 50%, set your intention towards the positive. Always. Why not? If the outcome could go either way, and you decide it's going to go the way you don't want it to go, then you've further diminished your chances!!!
So, back to weight loss.
I intend to maintain healthy eating and exercise habits for the rest of my life.
Do I know that this will be hard? Sure do.
Do I know that others have lost and regained? Sure do
Do I know that ""I"" have lost and regained? Sure do
What do I care about?
I care about making good health decisions today. I get that my weight will fluctuate a few pounds from time to time and my happiness is not dependent on some number on a scale. But I also know that if I start putting my trigger foods on my plate, pretty soon I'll be seeing that number go up to places that I won't be able to do the activities I like, which would be a problem.
I'm working on what would be a good answer to someone who asks me about my weight loss and how long will it last; haven't come up with a good reply yet. In time, I will. For now, I just set my intentions to the outcome I want.
Thought to take with me today: Focus on what you want, see it, feel it, taste it, smell it. Intend that it will be yours - and it will be